
「臺灣表達創造性藝術治療學會」(Taiwan Expressive-Creative Arts Therapies Association)為依法設立、非以營利為目的之公益性社會團體,以共融共好之精神,推動表達-創造性藝術治療(簡稱表創性藝術治療)即多元藝術、心理、教育與醫療之結合──匯聚藝術治療、音樂治療、舞蹈治療、戲劇治療、心理劇、身體取向心理治療⋯⋯等多元表達性暨創造性治療專業領域之跨域合作與整合平台;推展表創性藝術治療於身心健康之學術研究、教育訓練與督導、專業倫理與社會實踐為宗旨。


一、   推動表創性藝術治療之專業發展與跨域整合。

二、   提升表創性藝術治療本土化之學術研究、教育訓練與實務工作。

三、   促進國內外表創性藝術治療學術團體和身心健康服務機構之聯繫及合作交流。

四、   其他有助於達成本會宗旨之事項。

The Taiwan Expressive-Creative Arts Therapies Association is a non-profit organization promoting expressive-creative arts therapy approaches and interventions. This interdisciplinary association includes various disciplines such as arts, psychology,counseling, therapy, education, and medicine, which may incorporate expressive-creative arts therapy approaches like art therapy, music therapy, dance and movement therapy, drama therapy, and psychodrama. The association serves as a platform for cross-disciplinary collaboration and integration, aiming to advance academic research,education, training, supervision, and professional ethics, as well as practice in expressive-creative arts therapies and ultimately promote mental and physical well-being for those in need.



Taiwan Expressive-Creative Arts Therapies Association


Mail | service@ecata.org.tw

TEL | 0903-522-015

Add | 新北市三峽區溪東路179號

No.179, Xidong Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C) ,New Taipei